Nurses hand over petition in bid to improve pay offer
A PETITION containing around 4,500 signatures, which calls for improvements to nurses’ pay, has been handed to Policy & Resources this morning.

The RCN union is unhappy with the 5% being offered to nurses and is calling for a 10% rise. They want the matter to be debated by the States and have gathered a petition to try and make it happen.

RCN convener Kenny Lloyd said people had been keen to sign the petition, as they understood the importance of fair pay for nurses. He added that the feeling among nurses was turning to anger as the matter dragged on.
'This should have been settled in June and here we are in August,' he said.
'We hope this will make a difference and people will listen.'
More than 50 nurses turned out to chant outside Frossard House this morning, as the petition was handed over.