Proposal on the catwalk for Alderney Week couple
A COUPLE who got engaged on the catwalk at an Alderney Week fashion show are aiming to top the proposal with a performance wedding.

Screenplay editor Peter Kissick and sustainability engineer Hannah Beirne, both 30 and from Warwickshire, were taking part in a fashion show organised by his sister, Bryony Harris, who is the Alderney Week team leader.
During the final stroll, traditionally the climax of any fashion show, Mr Kissick sank down onto one knee and asked his long-term girlfriend to marry him.
He revealed that it was the culmination of several years of colourful moves on the Alderney Week catwalk and that his proposal could have been even more dramatic.
‘I went through all the Alderney Week events trying to find the best one for a proposal and it came down to either the fashion show or the manpowered flight,’ said Mr Kissick.
‘I was too scared to jump off the quay so it came down to the fashion show. We’ve done the fashion show for four or five years and try to escalate the finish every year.
‘We’ve taken dogs down the runway in the past and I’ve skateboarded down it, so this was a good climax to the event. It was pretty amazing. Not many people have 5,000 people watch their proposal on Facebook.’
He proposed using his grandmother’s diamond and sapphire engagement ring.
It came as a happy surprise to Miss Beirne, despite 10 years together after meeting at university.
‘I was completely shocked,’ she said. ‘We were asked to go down and show off some of the evening wear collection and were going to do a bit of dance at the end. But when he tapped my shoulder he wasn’t at shoulder height, he was on his knees. I think I just burst into tears I was so happy.’
How will they top their engagement?
Mr Kissick said: ‘I quite like the idea of doing it as a peformance – we may as well continue as we started off.
‘But I don’t think we are going to film this and put it out on the internet,’ said Miss Beirne, ‘once is quite enough.’