Guernsey Press

Sure investigated over new directory

MORE than 100 complaints have been made so far to Sure about the latest telephone directory, as the Office of the Data Protection Authority announces it is launching an investigation.

Sure has published a new telephone directory but some customers are unhappy that they are no longer in it. (25967280)

The latest phone book was released last month, but there were a number of mistakes and omissions.

That included entries being incorrect and some customers being left out, while some ex-directory customers were included.

The ODPA has confirmed that it has now started an investigation in relation to how Sure handled personal data for the 2019 Sure Directory.

Sure has been notified of the start of the investigation.

‘The ODPA welcomes Sure’s constructive engagement and their full co-operation is anticipated,’ an ODPA spokesperson said.

‘The ODPA will be investigating Sure under section 69 of The Data Protection (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law, 2017. The investigation will cover the processing of personal data for, and publication of, the 2019/2020 telephone directory.

‘Concerns raised by several members of the public will also be taken into account to determine whether any aspects of the law have been breached.’

The ODPA stated that it could not confirm the exact number of complaints it had received so far, but that they were getting them on a daily basis. Customers who have found problems can contact Sure or the ODPA.

Sure has previously said that the format and the information in the book had changed in the wake of the company’s investment in a new system, as well as to align with new data protection laws.

The white pages are now meant to be consistent with the account details held on the company’s billing system, which has resulted in some changes.

Sure has said it will co-operate fully with the investigation, but could not comment further.

‘The 2019 directory includes more than 26,000 white page entries and 140 customers have contacted us to request a change to their information – to be added, amended or removed,’ a spokesperson said.

‘If Sure customers wish to change their directory status to be included or removed, please call us on 700700.

‘If customers want different data included in the directory to what is currently in Sure’s billing system they can email with the revised information.’

There have been calls on social media for the book to be reprinted, but Sure has stated only that it would be updating the online version of the directory.