New school uniform changes announced
WHEN children will need to change to the new school uniform has been announced, with changes fully funded by the Education committee.

In September, the States approved the following investment in education:
- the development of the new 11-18 colleges: de Saumarez College on the current Les Beaucamps High School site and Victor Hugo College on the current St Sampson's High school site, including the co-location of complementary health and care services on the school sites - the two colleges will operate as a single school called Lisia School.
- the construction of the new purpose-built facilities at Les Ozouets to accommodate The Guernsey Institute and allow further and on-island higher education to be provided from a single site.
- the redevelopment of La Mare de Carteret Primary School.
- an improvement programme in digital infrastructure and digital training.
Each of these projects will proceed over the next few years alongside reform projects such as rewriting the Education Law and developing the Bailiwick curriculum.
'I can now confirm that my committee will fully fund the costs of changes to uniform which will be required during the transition process from the current uniforms to the new uniform,' Education president Matt Fallaize said.
'This is being done in order that parents do not face additional unexpected costs as a result of uniform changes beyond their control.'
The new uniform needed to create a sense of belonging and avoid unnecessary expenditure for parents, carers and taxpayers.

If the child is currently in a year group that will be in the new colleges in September 2022, the new uniform will be fully funded by the committee to be worn from September 2020.
If the child is currently in a year group who will not be in the new colleges in September 2022, there is no change because the students will continue to wear their current uniform until they complete Year 11.
All students currently in Year 6 and below will start secondary school in the new uniform.

From September 2020 the new names will come into use with existing names of schools still in use to refer to the sites during the transition period.
As previously decided by the States in 2018, Le Murier School, Les Voies School and St Anne’s School in Alderney will continue as distinct schools and will not form part of the new Lisia School or 11-18 Colleges, but consideration has been given to uniform arrangements at those schools.
Le Murier School currently shares a uniform with St Sampson’s High School it is assumed that in the future Le Murier School will share a uniform with Victor Hugo College.
If further consultation with students and staff at Le Murier School indicates that this is the preferred option, students in Years 7 and 8 at Le Murier School will receive the new uniform along with students in the same year groups at St Sampson’s High School.
There will also be further consultation with students and staff at Le Murier School about school insignia, use of logos, etc.
There are no changes planned to the uniforms at Les Voies School or St Anne’s School in Alderney.

Parents and carers of students in the year groups required to change uniform will in due course receive further information about the provision of new uniform. This can also be found here.
Parents and carers of current Year 6 students in primary schools will receive uniform lists after school places are confirmed in March, as is normally the case.
School leaders are in the process of consulting staff and students about the crests, insignia, etc. for Lisia School, de Saumarez College and Victor Hugo College and these will be confirmed in due course.
Parents, carers and staff have been advised of the uniform arrangements by letter.
As is the case at present, Education will ensure that alternative garments are available for children who cannot wear conventional uniform. The existing arrangements for uniform allowance will remain in place for students who are eligible, organised through the Employment & Social Security committee.