Awareness campaign seeks to find more people to foster
THE Family Placement Service is calling on Bailiwick families to step up to the role of fostering.

The Fostering Network’s annual awareness campaign, Foster Care Fortnight, takes place from today across the UK with a theme this year of #thisisfostering.
FPS team manager Karen Reade said: ‘I have been working with foster carers for more than 25 years and I have seen what an incredible difference foster carers make to children and young people. Foster carers literally change lives.
‘Our team of social workers are ready to answer any questions you have about fostering and we look forward to speaking to you.’
Fostering offers children and young people a home when they were unable to live with their birth family. Sometimes children stay with a foster family for only a few days, while others remain for their entire childhood and beyond.
Not only did fostering vastly benefit the children and young people, but it is also a life-changing experience for foster carers and their families.
Supervising social worker Emma Beaven, who focuses on recruitment and retention of carers, said the focus of this year’s campaign would largely be online and through the media.
The FPS has launched a new-look website to promote fostering, adoption and short break care for children with disabilities in Guernsey. It is at
A Facebook page, Guernsey Foster Care and Adoption, will aim to keep people up to date with news and events as well as highlighting information and research relevant to looked-after children.
There is a need for people who can care for pre-school aged children, sibling groups and teenagers.
On the back of the successful campaign earlier in the year, there continues to be a need for short break carers who can give flexible time to support children with disabilities who are living at home with their families.
The FPS would like to speak with individuals and families who are interested in adoption. Get in touch by emailing or by calling 713230.