Grammar gets ready for Monday
EXTRA safety precautions will operate when the Grammar School and Sixth Form Centre reopens on Monday.

Years seven to 10 will be in year group bubbles, predominantly in one room for the majority of lessons.
Cycling or walking to school is strongly encouraged to prevent congestion at pick-up and drop-off times.
Students will need to return in uniform or sixth form dress, and each year group has a designated entrance and exit.
Grammar School headteacher Kieran James said: ‘As a whole, we are confident in Dr Brink’s advice.
‘We have worked very closely with Public Health since 9 March.
‘They are an excellent team and we really appreciate their guidance.

‘We have had no parents say they are uncomfortable sending their children back to school.’
He said that teaching styles will still be interactive.
‘Staff are being briefed to establish both old and new routines.
‘Classrooms will be spread out as in exams. Younger students will stay in one room with their own desk, and there will be no group work.
‘Students will have new timetables since the number of rooms is limited.’
‘For practical subjects such as science or technology, students will have their own work stations which are cleaned before and after use.
‘Food tech students will learn how to ensure a cooking space is spotless.’
A one-way single-file corridor system will be in place for all students.
‘We can’t avoid the Sixth Form mixing but, since corridors are 2.5m spaced apart, we can ask they walk in single file on the left.
‘Specific independent study zones will be designated for each student, and there won’t be any need to stagger lesson times.’
Differences to travel are proposed.

‘Parents can request places on buses which will be operating at a reduced capacity.
‘New drop-off and pick-up zones have been designated.
‘Elizabeth College have very kindly given us permission to use their Memorial Field, and Footes Lane will be available.
‘If you are driving and dropping off we ask that you do so carefully, or drop students further away in a safe location if possible, ideally not on the side of the road.’
Sixth-formers can still drive in.
‘Island-wide, schools are encouraging students to walk or cycle into school. Already the colleges saw an increase in walking and cycling which is great to see.
‘We are hoping that people across the whole island will be exceptionally careful while driving. Our message is to take extreme caution while driving near schools.’