Planners back new homes at Delancey despite protests
PLANNERS have called for the approval of 68 new homes at Pointues Rocques, despite it not complying with all the planning policies.

The site on Rue Des Pointues Rocques, near Delancey Park, has been going through the planning process for four years, with the latest application for 32 dwellings, 10 flats, 10 maisonettes and 16 affordable houses being recommended for approval.
The Development & Planning Authority politicians will today meet for an open planning meeting to make the final decision.
But in their report, the planners accepted that the project, which is just the first phase of development and would affect 1.72 hectares of the 2.5-hectare site, does not comply with all the Island Development Plan policies.
‘It is acknowledged that representations from the douzaine, other organisations, and members of the public raise valid concerns, as do consultees, particularly Traffic and Highway Services,’ the planners said in their report.
‘It is also acknowledged that those concerns remain unresolved in several areas.’
They went on to state that it was not always possible for applicants to comply with all IDP requirements.
‘In such cases the authority, as decision taker, must balance positive and negative factors in the context of the IDP as a whole, as conflict with planning policy in one or more areas does not automatically mean that permission could reasonably be refused,’ they said.
‘In this case the fact that this is an allocated housing site, and therefore intended and expected to be developed as proposed in order to contribute towards meeting the island’s need for private market and affordable housing, weighs very heavily in favour of the application. This is reinforced by the fact that the application accords with guidelines set out in the development framework for the site. Consequently, and notwithstanding the shortcomings that have been identified, it is recommended that planning permission be approved.’
This morning, politicians, the planners and members of the public will gather for an open planning meeting at Beau Sejour, with the political board making the final decision.
The application drew more than 100 objections, with concerns raised about over-development, strain on the road network, destruction of an ecologically-important site and disruption for existing residents.
St Sampson’s douzaine raised a raft of concerns, which included flooding, pedestrian safety and the affect on the neighbourhood, while Traffic & Highway Services stated it was ‘very concerned’ about the extra pressure the project, along with other proposed developments, would have on nearby roads.
The Delancey Conservation Committee have vocally opposed the plans.
No one from the committee was available to comment on recommendation yesterday, although it is understood that at least one member will be making a representation at today’s meeting.
The application was made by Mr R Plumley, Messrs Gabriels, Asparagus Tips Too Ltd and the Guernsey Housing Association.
The open planning meeting will be held in the Beau Sejour Theatre from 9.30am. Only people who applied two days in advance of the meeting are able to speak.