Framework approved for housing on Mallard site
THE creation of a specialised housing development at the Mallard site in the Forest has moved a step closer with the approval of a development framework by the Development & Planning Authority.
The 14-vergee site in Rue de la Villiaze was identified at the end of last year as a prospect for up to 34 homes, which could be a mix of affordable or social housing and properties for those with specialist needs or older people.
The DPA said it hoped the site could see the development of additional extra-care accommodation, nursing or residential homes in an area classified as village centre. It is not intended that the Mallard Cinema would be affected by any development.
Consultation on the draft framework prompted a number of responses from a range of people and agencies, including States committees.
There was broad support for specialised housing, but a number of concerns were raised.
These included site access, the potential impact of traffic and the suitability of nearby bus stops, the relationship between any new development and the existing Mallard complex, biodiversity, potential impact on adjacent properties and the scale and form of housing proposed.
The DPA said it made several amendments to the draft plan as a result.
It said that the Mallard Complex was acknowledged as an important facility and its continued viability was an integral part of the development framework.
It has stressed that development should be of a form and density appropriate to the area, and the number of dwellings would depend on the architects’ response to the guidelines and constraints identified.
What is a development framework?
It provides planning guidance on how a site might be developed, offering broad, comprehensive and practical guidance on how policies in the Island Development Plan (2016) will be applied to a site.
It includes a detailed appraisal of the site and the surrounding area.