New world record holder is flying high in world of bubbles
GUERNSEY has a new world record holder.

Bubbleologist Chloe Ferguson found out on Thursday that Guinness World Records had accepted her efforts from 7 May and she and husband Stuart are now named as the holders of the record for the largest soap bubble net.
While the previous record stood at 14.75sq.m, the Fergusons virtually doubled that and it is now 28.635sq.m.
The specially-made net was created over a period of some 24 hours by Mrs Ferguson, who weaved it out of mercerised cotton to make sure it would absorb the bubble liquid.
It had 476 holes, all of which had to produce a bubble in order for the attempt to be successful.
With friend Karl Dorfner on hand to video the proceedings, there were several attempts before Mrs Ferguson was satisfied and the clips were sent off to Guinness.
She said she had thought the results would come back in about 12 weeks, but it was not until nearly 14 weeks later that she got the news.
‘They sent me an email a couple of days ago asking lots of questions because they were in the final stages of assessing it and they said they’d put it on the website if it succeeded,’ she said.
A day or two later another email arrived with the news, and Mrs Ferguson said she felt like someone about to find out their exam results before she opened it: ‘I had a bit of a shaky leg. We celebrated with a chippy tea at Bordeaux.’
She now has her eye on another world record, this time for the longest garland chain of bubbles, but said she did not want to be too hasty about taking it on.
For now, she will be entertaining islanders with bubble displays at the West and North Shows in the next couple of weeks.