Guernsey Press

Dog owners are accepting as summer beach ban starts

ANNUAL restrictions for dogs on beaches came into effect yesterday.

Chrissy Le Moignan and her Tibetan terrier, Merlot, at Grandes Rocques. She uses beaches for half of her walks with Merlot and her two other dogs, but tends to avoid the popular beaches. (Picture by Sophie Rabey, 32064331)

Dogs are now banned from seven of the island’s beaches, and owners must now take into consideration the areas that they are walking their pets.

Chrissy Le Moignan, whose dogs compete at Crufts and other competitions, said that she walks her dogs on the beach about 50% of the time.

She owns three Tibetan terriers and was out walking with five-year-old Merlot yesterday.

‘I usually try to choose more secluded beaches, where there aren’t so many people, anyway, so it’s really not a problem for me,’ she said.

‘If a dog doesn’t have perfect recall, then I don’t let it off the lead.’

She said that her dogs have been on a lead before, when other dogs off the lead have attacked them.

‘In any case you’ve just got to be aware of your surroundings and walk the dogs where they are most comfortable.’

Other islanders on the beach who are not dog owners said that they did not mind sharing with four-legged friends, as long as they were well-behaved.

Paulina Batiste owns a Schnauzer and a Schnauzer-cross and also takes her dogs to the beach for about half of their walks.

On this occasion she was walking them at Grandes Rocques.

‘I tend to go to Pembroke, which dogs are not allowed on during the summer, but I just go somewhere where there’s not a dog ban,’ she said.

‘There are so many places that you can walk dogs, all of the other beaches, the cliffs and paths. The dogs don’t mind, as long as they’re being walked then they’re happy.’

. Restrictions are in place until 1 September.

Dogs not allowed on most popular beaches in summer

RESTRICTIONS are put in place on popular beaches to allow people to enjoy the spaces during the summer.

Between 1 May and 30 September, dogs are not allowed on Fermain, Petit Bot, L’Eree, the northern end of Vazon, Cobo, Port Soif and L’Ancresse/Pembroke.

Dogs are never permitted at the Bathing Pools, or on Lihou Island or Lihou causeway as it is an internationally recognised Ramsar site, designated for sea birds.

Some locations in Herm are also prohibited to dogs. Owners must keep their dogs away from Shell Beach, Belvoir Bay, Fisherman’s Beach and the area in front of the White House to the Herm Harbour jetty.

Most beaches in Guernsey welcome dogs all year round, but particularly in summer, the States asks dog owners to be mindful of other beach users and local wildlife.

Owners also risk a £100 fine if they do not dispose of their dog’s waste left in any public area.