Guernsey Press

German culture learning chance for young trio

YOUNG islanders are being offered the opportunity to gain first-hand experience of foreign culture with a week-long free intensive German course at a town with historic island links.


There are three spots available, open to islanders aged 16 to 20, for the course which takes place from 3 to 8 July in the town of Biberach in south Germany.

It consists of around 20 hours of German language tuition through morning lessons at Dollinger Realschule secondary school, with afternoon excursions and activities.

Louise Le Pelley, partnerships development executive at Guernsey Arts, went on a similar trip 15 years ago and said it provided great life experience.

‘It was very eye-opening, I’ve still got a lot of memories of the time and I still keep in contact with a lot of the people I met on it,’ she said.

‘It’s not like a school trip at all, you’re treated like a young adult.’

The scheme sees participants stay with a German host family while also having contact with some of Biberach’s twin towns including Valence in France, Asti in Italy and Telawi in Georgia.

The group will also go on half-day excursions.

Ms Le Pelley said these provided some unforgettable moments during her time in Germany.

‘I remember going to Lindau and just being able to enjoy the lake and it left such a big impression on me,’ she said. ‘It influenced me in my decision to take French and German at Durham.’

She also visited Ulme, where Albert Einstein was born.

While Guernsey is not yet officially twinned with Biberach, a letter of intent has been signed.

It is the only twin that is not a town and, once official, will be the first time Guernsey as an island has been twinned with a town.

The link between Guernsey and Biberach dates back to World War II when the southern German town had two prisoner-of-war camps, including internment camp Ilag V-B for allied civilians, mainly from the Channel Islands.

‘I got a really good understanding of our unique relationship,’ said Ms Le Pelley.

Course details

The course is organised by the town of Biberach and the association Stadte Partner Biberach.

Anyone interested in applying should email The deadline is Monday 29 May.