Guernsey Press

Road crews put in danger by drivers ignoring signs

ROAD crews carrying out maintenance and improvement works are being put in danger by road users ignoring road closed signs.


Several recent incidents have been reported to Traffic and Highway Services.

If a road closed sign is in place, the road is prohibited to all traffic except for access to properties, site vehicles and, if specifically signed, cyclists.

Guernsey Electricity health and safety adviser John Tostevin said that there had been a recent incident at roadworks being undertaken by the company in St Andrew’s.

‘Despite clear signage and operatives visibly working in the trench and road, a vehicle attempted to use the road and nearly fell into the trench,’ he said.

‘This was dangerous to both the workers and the driver as there were live electricity cables and other services in the trench.’

He said that roadworks, while inconvenient, were essential for upgrading the network or repairing faults.

‘We would ask for islanders’ continued assistance and adherence to any signage or instructions to ensure roadworks are conducted as safely as possible.’

Senior traffic officer Mark Brockway said that some drivers and riders seemed to have got into the habit of ignoring road closed signs and seeing if they could get through anyway.

‘We’re hearing from utilities and contractors that this is an increasing problem, so we want to try get the message out there to reduce the likelihood of a significant incident occurring.

‘We do understand it’s frustrating when you come across a road closed sign, but please don’t assume that there will be a way through.’

Roads policing unit sergeant Andy Smith said that road users thinking they might be able to get through a closed road was not a justification for ignoring road signs.

‘Many sites will have staff involved in assisting with the safety of their teams and the public, and drivers are reminded to abide by any directions given by site staff, as there may be hazards that are not obvious, which could affect your safety or the safety of the workers above or below the ground.

‘If you are accessing a property on a closed road, proceed with caution, reduce your speed and drive carefully past works areas and past those who may be carrying out work at the time.’