HSC endoscopy ‘blitz’ has little impact on waiting list
An endoscopy ‘blitz’ over weekends last summer has had a negligible impact on the waiting list for islanders.

More than 500 patients had an endoscopy during an HSC ‘blitz’ of the waiting list last summer, however more than 700 islanders are still waiting for a procedure, with the current waiting list just 83 patients fewer than it was before the initiative began.
Last summer Health & Social Care partnered with Medinet, specialist providers of elective care, to reduce the waiting list for gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures, holding nine weekend clinics over three months, during which time 508 patients had an endoscopy and fewer than five cancers were found.
Some 160 people had at least one polyp removed, a growth of tissue which may develop into cancer over time.
But alongside the ‘blitz’, Medical Specialist Group gastroenterologists and general surgeons continued their normal services, meaning the waiting lists continued to grow.
‘Approximately 300 new patients are added to the waiting list every eight weeks, which means that even if they are seen within the eight-week contract period, there will always be at least this number on the waiting list, and shows that demand is ever-increasing in this area of medicine,’ said HSC and MSG in a joint statement.
The current waiting list for both outpatient appointments and inpatient procedures stands at 692, compared with a total of 775 before the additional weekend clinics were staged.
However, numbers being seen within MSG contract times have improved, and those waiting months for an appointment.
The additional sessions consisted of endoscopy procedures across specialities of gastroenterology, general surgery and bowel cancer screening.
Medinet was contracted only to carry out specific procedures, meaning some patients were not considered suitable due to the treatment or procedure required. For example, any patient needing a general anaesthetic could not be seen under the Medinet contract.
To manage the additional demand for endoscopy services, a new nurse endoscopist started at HSC in October 2023, and an additional endoscopy room is being sought in the PEH to increase capacity. Funding has also been approved for a second full-time gastroenterologist to help manage the increased workload.
And the proposed plans for phase two of the hospital modernisation programme also include an expanded theatre suite to offer additional capacity for endoscopy procedures.
The changing picture – May to January compared:
May 2023
· 775 patients waiting overall
· 274 patients waiting of outpatient appointments
· 501 patients waiting for inpatient admission
· 304 patients (39%) waited for more than six months for an appointment
· 240 patients (31%) seen within the contracted time of 56 days
January 2024
· 692 patients waiting overall
· 222 patients waiting for outpatient appointments
· 470 patients waiting for inpatient admission
· 152 patients (22%) waited for more than six months for an appointment
· 271 patients (39%) seen within the contracted time of 56 days