Muted response from parishes to radical traffic plans for the north
Constables of Vale and St Sampson’s are not comfortable with the proposals set out in the Better Transport Plan released this week.

The plan focuses on making amendments to highways and lanes in the north of the island, naming a number of solutions such as cycle contraflow, road widening and improved access for pedestrians and cyclists.
‘Something has got to be tried, things can’t carry on the way they are,’ said Vale senior constable Richard Leale.
‘Traffic is a major concern but whatever is done is going to impact someone somewhere.’
Environment & Infrastructure has included a new category of road in the plan.
Ruettes des Habitants will be for access to properties only and are proposed at Rue des Monts, Duveaux Lane, Pointues Rocques, Robergerie Road and Saltpans Road.
‘They’ve got some residents-only areas already, and people don’t ignore it, but it just doesn’t sit comfortably with me,’ said Mr Leale.
‘The plan was presented to the douzaine, and most people’s views were similar to mine.
‘There’s an obvious issue and something has to be done.’
Mr Leale was also sceptical about the idea of shared mobility hubs offering various transport means for loan.
‘It implies that if you live in the north then you’re not allowed to own a car,’ he said.
‘People often like to take their car on holiday, so if they take a shared car away for two weeks then it’s out of action for everyone else.’
The constables and douzaine of St Sampson’s said that it would take into account comments and concerns of parishioners, but were supportive of any initiatives which may enhance the safety of all road users.
‘We are mindful of the inescapable fact that major trunk routes and their associated junctions within the parish are currently operating for much of the time beyond their physical capacity which inevitably leads to significant traffic tail backs and worsens the environmental impact of existing levels of traffic,’ it said.
‘It is felt that, in parallel with safety initiatives, sensible, balanced solutions will need to be adopted to improve traffic flow on the major trunk routes.
‘It would be of great concern if permanent alterations to minor and peripheral roads and lanes resulted in there being no viable diversion routes available in the event that, for example Route Militaire, Vale Avenue or Braye Road, were to be closed for any reason.’
St Sampson’s douzaine will host drop-ins during the consultation period to hear parishioners’ views.