Guernsey Press

Play badminton and you’ll be glowing

A GLOW-IN-THE-DARK sporting experience has been created for all ages at the Rohais Badminton Halls.

Guernsey Badminton Association vice-president Sarah Garbutt at Rohais Badminton Halls. (Picture by Peter Frankland, 33318347)

Permanent ‘black lights’ have been installed on three courts at the centre to transform a typical game of badminton into a glowing affair.

‘We hosted one a couple of years ago and started again in March after we thought we’d get some lights of our own,’ said Guernsey Badminton Association vice-president Sarah Garbutt.

‘There’s been quite a cost to put them out, but we’re hoping that the space can be used for other glow sports as well, such as five-a-side. It’s just a matter of taping out the court to make it glow,’ she said.

Three courts will be decked out to glow, and glowing rackets and shuttlecocks will be provided. Accessories such as glow sticks, glasses and crowns can be purchased.

‘It has been well received so far, people are enjoying it. The kids love it, although adults have been a bit more reluctant,’ she said.

‘It’s definitely a challenge but once your eyes have adjusted it’s great fun.’

The club held an open day previously, which saw about 100 members attend, and it is now opening up for the public, businesses and other sports to have a free session on Friday 21 June between 6pm and 10pm.

Thursday 20 June will be another open day for club members.

The bar and social areas will also go through a ‘glow-up’.

Anyone interested should email