Guernsey Press

Vive La Vallette chairman joins Jersey Lido talks

GUERNSEY’S David Warr has paid a visit to meet his Jersey namesake for more discussions about revitalising the other island’s open-air swimming pool.

Havre des Pas Lido at high tide. (Picture by Rob Currie, 33556690)

The chairman of Vive La Vallette first met St Helier South Deputy David Warr earlier in August when the latter was given a tour of La Vallette along with other members of Jersey’s Lido Steering Group.

On Thursday it was Mr Warr’s turn to look around Havre des Pas and he also met the island’s infrastructure minister and officials to discuss a way forward for the site.

‘They wanted me to attend that meeting so I could speak from my experience about La Vallette,’ he said.

‘They are at the start of a journey which takes us back to about 2018. They’re going through a similar process.’

While Vive La Vallette is responsible for the cafe and the changing rooms, the States looks after the pools themselves.

In Jersey, the Lido pool is in the ownership of the people, which gives rise to an issue over service agreements.

There is another problem too, said Mr Warr.

‘There is absolutely no parking at all nearby. They’ll have to find ways to encourage active travel and maybe bicycle paths.’

Jersey’s government has not prioritised funding the regeneration of the Lido, and Mr Warr thought a public/private partnership could be the way forward.

Setting up a charity is being looked into by the Jersey group.

‘I think if they go down the charity route it will be very much the same as us, so what they need to do is get the right people involved with the right experience and expertise and commitment. Then the government can step away safe in the knowledge that there are sensible people doing it.’