Guernsey Press

Classic Car Club goes for a spin around island

ABOUT a dozen classic cars were taken for a spin around the island by members of the Guernsey Classic Vehicle Club.

Steven Poole with his V8 Rover 3500 at Sunday’s autumn run organised by the Guernsey Classic Car Club which started at the Albert Pier. (Picture by Andrew Le Poidevin, 33637760)

Congregating at Albert Pier on Sunday morning, those taking part spent some time socialising and admiring each other’s vehicles before setting off in a convoy for the Beach House at Pembroke.

Club president John Bichard said such gatherings happened twice a year, with a number of different destination points over the years.

‘We’ve always met up at Albert Pier, and from there we’ve gone to places like the Guernsey Pearl, the Occupation Museum and obviously today the Beach House.

‘We all really appreciate our cars, especially their looks, and we hope that those who see us out and about might do too.’

Mr Bichard had brought along his 1960 Austin A40 for the drive, a car he recently took to the Goodwood Revival.

‘It drives really nicely, I was pleasantly surprised how good it was,’ he said.

Among the other cars on show was a grey 1953 Morris Minor, owned by mechanic and club member Steve Fallaize.

Mr Fallaize came across the car about 15 years ago while working, and promptly decided that he wanted to undertake a restoration project on it.

‘I stripped it down completely and restored it, gave it a fresh coat of paint, everything.’

‘I don’t even particularly like Morris Minors but I thought it would be a fun thing to do.’

A club member for seven years, he runs the car at least once a month, and often brings it to club events in rotation with another classic car he owns, a Morris Series Y.

‘I’m quite lazy with how I look after them admittedly, but I do give them a polish once in a while.

‘Luckily I have a garage to keep them in so they’re protected from the weather.’

Fellow member Max Le Prevost had brought his classic Mini Cooper down to the event.

The car was one of three vintage Minis on show.

‘I bought it on eBay two years ago, it needed a fair bit of tidying up as it was rusty in places,’ Mr Le Prevost said.

‘I don’t often run it if I’m honest but I should do more often as it’s the perfect car for Guernsey – cheap to run, fun to drive and small.’

A club member for several years and with a long-standing interest in cars, he said he enjoyed the social side of the meet-ups the most.

‘We are all massive petrolheads, it’s just nice to meet up and chat, even if it isn’t about cars.’