Wide variety of trees planted in Sark
HUNDREDS of trees have been planted across Big and Little Sark as part of a community planting scheme.

Island resident Laszlo Kulcsar, with support from Sark Community Blooms – a steering group for Sark's 2016 entry into Britain in Bloom – organised an island-wide tree planting of some 750 native deciduous trees in a number of locations.
He also persuaded about 10% of the adult population of the island to turn out to help him plant them last month, with the youngest volunteer less than three and the oldest in their 70s.
The trees were given to Sark by Trees for Life Guernsey, the Woodland Trust and, thanks to generous donations from a number of Sark residents, Mr Kulcsar was also able to purchase a few more varieties to increase the biodiversity.
The trees included hazel, black poplar, English oak, crab apple, a number of types of willows, lime, birch, hawthorn and hornbeam.
In all 20 species suitable for all the varieties of Sark conditions were planted, with some as wind breaks, some to soften areas and provide shade and some to form small copses where land was not being used for anything else.