Families welcome the idea of a formal crossing at La Vrangue
A FORMAL crossing could be installed on La Vrangue to help schoolchildren walking from Millbrook Estate to Amherst School, an Environment & Infrastructure committee spokesman has said.
The comment follows a planning application, which has been submitted by a developer to widen the busy St Peter Port road, which often sees vehicles mounting the pavement.
Traffic and Highway Services, which is part of Environment & Infrastructure, welcomed the application, but said it was necessary to take into account of all of the consequences that might arise from the change.
The spokesman said the pavement would become safer for pedestrians under the plans, but staff would look at the wider issues.
The news will be welcomed by Katina Jones, 60, who occasionally walks her five-year-old granddaughter Phoebe Jones back down the hill from the school.
She said the busy road outside the estate – which pedestrians have to cross twice to get to school – was dangerous and parents were often choosing to drive the 500m from the Millbrook Estate to Amherst School, rather than face the dangers of walking along La Vrangue.