Man raises Clameur de Haro to stop planners
AN ANCIENT CRY for justice was heard in St Martin's yesterday as Neil Ozanne read the Clameur de Haro to stop planners, who he claimed were bullying him, from removing a derelict car off his property.

The 52-year-old, who lives on Rue de la Falaise, above Petit Bot, has been battling the planners for more than a year to be allowed to keep his dilapidated Kia Sportage on the grass verge outside his home.
After an unsuccessful planning appeal in March, two planning officers and two skip lorries arrived to pick up the vehicle yesterday, but had to stop when Mr Ozanne read out the Clameur de Haro – a Norman custom of crying for justice, which means all actions must stop until the matter is ruled on by the court.
Police also attended.
Mr Ozanne accepted the car was unsightly, but said he would see the matter through to the end.
'It's the principle now,' he said.
'It's bullying from the States.'
The parties have a year and a day to either confirm the matter or have it set aside.