Guernsey Press

Sacc: October IWV referendum will ensure the highest turnout

HOLDING the island-wide voting referendum on Wednesday 10 October will ensure the highest possible turnout, according to the States Assembly & Constitution Committee president.

The referendum will involve working with the parishes. (Picture by Adrian Miller, 20529622)

Matt Fallaize said the committee’s preferred date had been chosen to increase the number of voters.

In order to make the results of the referendum binding, 40% of people on the electoral roll will need to cast a vote.

‘There are essentially three reasons for preferring the date of 10 October.

‘First, if turnout is to be maximised, it is better to hold the referendum while we are still in British Summer Time,’ said Deputy Fallaize.

‘Second, there needs to be sufficient time after the school holidays for campaigning on each of the options and so we envisage this taking place from the start of September for four or five weeks.

‘Third, the alternative would have been to hold the referendum in June or July and we were not confident that the necessary legislation would be in place by then.’

‘Now that the necessary legislation has been submitted, and will hopefully be approved by the States on 7 February, work can start on the detailed practical preparations, including working with the parishes.’

The options on the ballot paper will be for full island-wide voting; a split between 10 island-wide deputies and 28 district ones; four districts to elect 38 members; an island-wide election every two years to elect a third of the States; and the status quo.

Full story in today's Guernsey Press