Co-op, Guernsey Post support festive lights fundraising again
CHRISTMAS is eight months away, but Monday sees the launch of this year’s campaign to support Town’s lights.

The St Peter Port Christmas Lights charity is working again with Guernsey Post and the Channel Islands Co-operative Society.
From Monday, postal staff will once again be delivering donation envelopes to residents and businesses.
Guernsey Post head of corporate engagement Dawn Gallienne said the response from the donation envelopes last year was phenomenal.
‘It was heartening to see the local community really support this initiative with their generous donations, which made a real difference and ensured the Christmas lights didn’t go out,’ she said.
A total of £45,000 was collected by 1 September. That covered the annual costs of the lights, as well as the replacement of the Smith Street infrastructure, new lights for the Commercial Arcade, refurbishment of eight old arrays and repairs/refurbishment of infrastructure to relight the Bordage and extend the display into Quay Street.
St Peter Port Christmas Lights chairwoman Jax Robin said the partnership had worked well and she thanked everyone for their continuing support.
The £10,000 in the bank would pay for new wires, maintenance repairs and some replacement lights in Mill Street, Mansell Street and Contree Mansell, as well as much-needed replacements and spare lights for Church Square and Smith Street.
It would also help to refurbish three arrays for Le Pollet.
‘To keep St Peter Port bright this Christmas we are looking for an additional £32,000 to ensure we can put this year’s lights up, continue to pay our storage rent and insurance premiums,’ she said.
Co-op community officer Tanya Dorrity said the Christmas lights were so important for the local community and it was a project near and dear to people’s hearts.
A range of fundraising initiatives will be taking place in the stores from 21-27 May.
Fundraising buckets will be in place on 22 and 23 May and there we will also be static bike cycling challenges, a Christmas jumper staff dress down day on 25 May and bag packing services in store on 26 May.
n To view accounts for the past 12 months and diary dates for fundraising events, go to