Planning applications can now be viewed online
PLANNING applications are being published online to allow the process to restart.

While applications far into the planning process have continued to be assessed and decided, those earlier in the system have had to stop because the public have not been able to consult on the plans. This was due to plans having to be viewed in person at Sir Charles Frossard House, which has been closed to the public due to the coronavirus outbreak.
But now the planning service have developed temporary web pages, so the applications can all be viewed online.
Development & Planning Authority president Dawn Tindall said while temporary web pages were not the perfect solution, it would allow members of the public to take part in the consultation on planning applications and see details of those applications online.
'Such participation is an important element of ensuring the views of all parties affected by a development can be taken into account,' she said.
'The Planning Service have been working very hard behind the scenes not only getting applications ready to proceed to decision subject to publicity but also to accept new applications. Having the ability for the public to be consulted is an
important step which allows decisions to be made and building work to start.'
Current applications, that were interrupted by Covid-19, can be viewed at
Nearly 40 applications are up on the page, which are identified by their planning number and the property name.
Any new applications will be available to view at, which will go live on Tuesday 26 May.
Anyone who has previously made representations on an application that is being republicised following interruption by COVID-19 does not have to make their representations a second time.
Under the legislation, planning applications must be publicised in order for public representations on the proposal to be made. Therefore, the same procedure for publicity that occurred before lockdown will restart and site notices will be issued on the valid applications. The 21-day consultation period will start as soon as the site notice has been
displayed and confirmed by the applicant. They do this by returning the site notice confirmation slip and a photograph of the notice in place to the planning service.
The oldest of those applications interrupted will be uploaded first, followed swiftly by more recent applications. Applications will be removed after their publicity period has ended.
In the event that you are unable to view the application online, islanders are asked to call 717200 to discuss alternative solutions.
The planning service will provide the ability for the public to physically view applications as soon as circumstances permit.