The importance of gender balance in the workplace
This week we have marked International Women’s Day, a day when we celebrate women’s achievements and turn our attention to gender equality. Here Helen Wyatt, partner and head of the Guernsey corporate practice at leading legal and governance services firm Mourant, shares her perspective on the importance of gender balance in the workplace and how Covid-19 may have a longer-term impact on the gender divide

ONE of the challenges I, like many others, have faced during the pandemic has been the pressure of parenting my daughters whilst working. I know that many men have shared (and in my case, more than shared) the increased domestic burden, but I wonder whether the playing field has been level for all?
We know that there is a significant body of evidence highlighting that the most successful organisations embrace a diverse and inclusive workplace, and there is clearly a compelling case for inclusion being high on any business’s agenda. But I’ve been interested in the reports suggesting that women will be more negatively affected by the pandemic than men.
Recent studies have indicated that female job loss rates due to Covid-19 are significantly higher than the male equivalent, and that men have contributed less than women to unpaid household labour during the pandemic. With women also more likely to be on the front line of the pandemic as nurses and carers, it appears that they may have borne the brunt of the broader impact of the pandemic. Covid-19 has arguably undone some of the progress made towards gender equality over recent years.
At Mourant we know that equality, diversity and inclusion are important, not simply because our clients told us in our recent survey. It’s something that our people insist upon too. Nurturing a culture of mutual respect is vital to us and we believe we’re on the right path. Having role models, alongside coaching, mentoring and robust succession planning, we aim to ensure that the able, rather than the bold, are enabled to advance.
To mark International Women’s Day our employee-led Gender Balance Network has invited Team Mourant to make a pledge to promote gender equality in support of this year’s #ChooseToChallenge theme, and we’re also supporting the Women in Fund Finance global fundraising challenge. We’re committed to fostering an inclusive community where everyone is treated fairly and equally empowered to excel. During these challenging times, it is even more important that inclusion remains high on our agenda.