Jersey could go on the category two watchlist
JERSEY is poised to go on the category two watchlist this week after a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases.

More than 700 people are in self-isolation in Jersey currently after the number of cases went up over the last week.
Arrivals into Guernsey from Jersey currently have to self-isolate only until they give a negative test result on arrival. It is one of the few areas that still enjoys the relative freedom of category two. But numbers have been rising sharply in the island.
Guernsey calculates the total number of cases over a 14-day period for a population of 100,000 people. A week ago Jersey had just 4.6 cases per 100,000 people. But the most recent update on Monday saw that rise to 28.5 cases. If it goes above 30 cases per 100,000 it will go on the watchlist and could then move into category three the following week. If so, arrivals from Jersey will face at least seven days’ quarantine.
Jersey currently has 43 cases, of which 29 cases are symptomatic.
Since Friday, 13 new cases have been identified there. One case has been identified through seeking health care, eight cases have been identified through inbound travel and four through contact tracing. The contact tracing team has been able to identify each positive case back to a known source.
Guernsey currently has two active cases, from inbound travel.