Full Sacc committee to discuss leak by deputy
THE States member who leaked confidential notes revealing the views of Les Varendes teachers, will have his actions discussed again by the committee in charge of government rules.

Deputy Andy Cameron, a member of Education, Sport & Culture, emailed meeting notes to 14 deputies. They showed that the teachers felt ignored and misrepresented, and were against the proposed new model.
ESC had been keeping the notes under wraps and had not expected Deputy Cameron to share them.
The notes were later passed on to the Guernsey Press and were published.
Last week the States’ Assembly & Constitution Committee decided to write to ESC to establish the facts, with a view to making a complaint to the code of conduct panel.
Deputy Sasha Kazantseva-Miller questioned whether initiating a code of conduct complaint was within Sacc’s mandate.
Sacc president Carl Meerveld set out the protocol.
‘The committee is responsible for advising the States and to develop and implement policies in relation to matters concerning the propriety and conduct of members.
‘It is not within the mandate of the States’ Assembly & Constitution Committee to initiate investigations into any alleged misconduct, the States members’ conduct panel’s purpose is to investigate complaints in accordance with the procedures set out in the code of conduct for members of the States.’
Deputy Kazantseva-Miller believed that Sacc was acting inconsistently.
‘Three months ago, and in fact earlier today, the president of Sacc made it clear that Sacc is in no position to make any comments on individual instances of misconduct such as that of Deputy Le Tissier.
‘Can he advise what has changed to enable him to take a diametrically opposing approach?’
Deputy Meerveld responded that the committee had not initiated an investigation, but had a moral duty to uphold the integrity of the rules.
Deputy Peter Roffey asked whether it should be for aggrieved parties to refer matters to the code of conduct panel, otherwise he thought that Sacc could become ‘a magnet for discontent’.
Deputy Meerveld agreed that could be a potential hazard, and he promised the matter would be considered again.
‘This issue is going to be put to the committee to discuss, with all five members, and that well be the conclusion of the committee.’
Deputy Lyndon Trott came up with a left field idea to resolve the issue.
‘Would Deputy Meerveld welcome a code of conduct complaint in order to allow an independent assessment of his actions and behaviours to be undertaken?’ he said.
Deputy Meerveld responded that registering a complaint was the right of all States members.