Baby owl at GSPCA
A LONG-EARED owlet is in intensive care at the GSPCA after being found on Sark.

It is the first time the charity will have had a long-eared owlet in its care.
The owlet is about two weeks old and was found with no nest or parents in sight.
Concerned for the welfare, the finders of the baby owl took advice and shortly after were en route to get the bird to the GSPCA.
Senior animal care assistant Yvonne Chauvel said: ‘The young bird has been called Elizabeth and has a long road back to wild, but has been doing well over the last 10 days.’
‘It is difficult to say why she was out of the nest, but she was certainly far too young. Elizabeth is in an intensive care unit receiving around the clock care at the GSPCA.’
The charity has had an adult long-eared owl from Sark before – Taffy, which was released back in Sark in 2016.
Long-eared owls are one of about five owl species found in the Bailiwick.
GSPCA Manager Steve Byrne said: ‘We see quite a few barn owls each year and occasional other species, but never have we had a long-eared owl chick.’