Guernsey Press

Lions Club in desperate need of storage space

IF THE Lions Club of Guernsey does not find a new storage site by the end of the month it may have to offload a vast portion of its contents, the club’s president has warned.

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Lions Club of Guernsey members, left to right, Tony Corbin, president Paul Allaway and Dave Marquand. (Picture by Luke Le Prevost, 32197712)

For the last few years it has used a space in a 40ft container as well as a greenhouse at Grow Ltd’s Avondale Vinery site, but it must leave there by 30 June as the charity moves back into its redeveloped site.

‘We originally had a packing shed at the main Grow site but when it all got flattened we moved to the Avondale Vinery,’ said club president Paul Allaway.

‘If we are not able to find a new site then we would have to offload a lot. We could probably distribute a bit around the members but a big chunk would be gone.’

The storage space is mainly filled with equipment for its annual Donkey Derby and Winter Wonderland events alongside some 3,000 spectacles for its SightFirst project. It sees Lions Club members go around local opticians to collect them before boxing them up and sending them off to the Lions Club in Chichester, from where they are then sent to France before going to impoverished regions in Africa and India.

Around 100,000 have been donated locally.

‘We’ve also got four pedal karts which will likely be sold, and we might have to give a marquee away,’ said Mr Allaway.

‘We need dry storage. A 40ft container would be great, two would be ideal, or a packing shed somewhere.’

Alongside holding its events the Lions Club of Guernsey supports local charities with donations, including recently 50 teddy bears to Guernsey’s emergency ambulance service to give to children in its care.

  • Anyone with storage opportunities is asked to contact with Mr Allaway through 07911 716216.