New green waste site is set to open after Easter
GUERNSEY’S new green waste site is set to open after Easter, offering longer opening hours during the summer.

But winter times have been cut, with the site closed from Tuesdays to Fridays from late October.
Ronez is currently preparing to open a quarry on the Chouet headland, forcing the existing green waste site to move to Mont Cuet.
A new drop-off site is being created at the nearby Mont Cuet landfill site.
The new facility will operate in a similar way as Chouet, with an open drop-off area. However, it is smaller than the current site.
It is anticipated the green waste will need to be cleared each morning, before the site opens.
The opening hours have been changed to better meet customer demand.
This means the site will open and close two hours later on weekdays, and Sunday afternoon openings will return for the summer months.
The longer Sunday hours were first proposed last year, after it was revealed the new site would be smaller, which could lead to longer queues for the site.
Guernsey Waste operations manager Sarah Robinson said the new opening times were intended to align with customer demand.
‘The new operating times will give islanders the chance to access the green waste site after working hours in the summer months and on Sunday afternoons and bank holidays,’ she said.
‘As a result, we have reduced the opening times during the winter to keep operating costs down while remaining open at the busier times.’
Up until 2019 the green waste site was open 8am to 5pm on weekends and bank holidays. But this was cut to 8am until noon on Sundays and shut on bank holidays to reduce costs five years ago.
The new summer times will see the site open 10am to 6pm Monday to Sunday, but closed on Thursdays. It will also be open 10am to 6pm on bank holidays. The site is currently open 8am to 4pm on weekdays and 8am until noon on Sundays.
But from 27 October the winter hours will be cut to 10am to 4pm and only be open on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays.
This was attributed to there being ‘historically low usage’ and to keep operating costs down. About 4,000 tonnes of green waste are dropped off each year.
Opening times
The current site at Chouet will close for the last time on Tuesday 2 April at 4pm. The new drop off site for household green waste will open on Wednesday 3 April at 10am.
British Summer Time, up to and including 26 October
Monday to Sunday open 10am – 6pm (closed Thursdays)
Bank Holidays open 10am – 6pm
Winter, 27 October onwards
Saturday to Monday open 10am – 4pm