Quay lights phases changed due to high tide damage
Drivers and pedestrians could be in for a surprise when using the Quay traffic lights at the base of Crown Pier, as the light order changed after they were damaged by sea water from last week’s high tide.

The Quay was under water due to 10-metre high tides.
Roads & Traffic Management manager Phil Ogier said they had worked fast to get them working again.
‘A temporary repair was quickly arranged, meaning that the lights are working safely again,’ he said.
‘While we are awaiting a permanent fix, the lights have returned to their default setting, which means that they operate in a slightly different way to what people will be used to.’
It means that for those crossing the road, a few seconds after the green man appears, it will begin to flash, so people should not start to cross.
At the same time, those who are driving, riding or cycling will see flashing amber lights, which means that if there are no pedestrians on the crossing, road users may proceed with caution.
‘It is anticipated that the lights will be returned to their previous settings next week,’ Mr Ogier said.
‘However, we thought it would be far better to have working pedestrian lights as soon as possible, even if they might temporarily be a little bit different to what people are used to.’