Headteacher takes on marathon challenge
Children at Castel Primary School cheered on as their headteacher completed a full school day of laps around the school sports field in preparation for his London Marathon next year.

Peter Curtis spent all day running laps of the sports field, stopping for a 15-minute break and just under an hour for lunch, aligning with the school schedule.
He ran about 30 miles and was joined throughout the day by some pupils.
‘I wanted to do a school-based event that the kids could relate to and get involved in a bit more as well,’ he said. In April next year Mr Curtis will run his first marathon for a charity called Childhood First.
Childhood First helps abused and neglected children, providing specialist treatment and therapeutic education.
‘Since I came into teaching about 20 years ago, there are more and more children who suffer from abuse or neglect, so I wanted to do something for charity which works with those sorts of people,’ said Mr Curtis.
Running after lunch was particularly challenging, he said, but the children were supportive, cheering him on every step of the way.
10-year-old Eva Bartie said she was very proud.
‘I think he’s been very brave and very kind trying to raise money for charity,’ she said.
Phoebe Sebire, also 10, said Mr Curtis was sending a good message, smiling and being happy.
‘It’s great seeing my head teacher doing challenges himself as he always challenges us,’ she said.
Mr Curtis said that aside from his fundraising, completing the marathon was a personal challenge for him.
‘The kids like seeing teachers take on challenges and work hard as well – hopefully I set a good example for them,’ he said.