'Considerable disquiet' over HSSD referral of GP to police
THERE has been 'considerable disquiet' in Alderney over Health and Social Services' decision to refer an investigation into GP Dr Rory Lyons to the police, an Alderney politician has said.

The States of Alderney wrote to the chief minister last week insisting that an independent inquiry, which was announced yesterday by the Policy Council, was needed to restore Alderney residents' faith in HSSD.
'I'm very pleased that the Policy Council has decided to do so,' said Neil Harvey, chairman of Alderney's Policy and Finance Committee.
'I've had a letter from the chief minister that they are going to go ahead with the inquiry with someone independent running it and that they were happy to accept our offer to draw up the terms of reference for it.
'This investigation has been mostly an Alderney issue, so it is only right that Alderney should have a strong say in what the terms of reference are.'