It would be so much easier just to increase the income tax rate and raise TRPDEPUTY TROTT is right to warn us that 5% GST won’t be enough. Numbers that follow come from previously published Treasury figures.Readers' Letters|Feb 28
A resolution agreed by the States and Alderney needs to be implemented urgentlyReaders' Letters|Feb 25
It’s not Ukrainians that the EU wishes to protect, it’s their lands and mineralsReaders' Letters|Feb 24
The only people who should be leading government are members of the electorateReaders' Letters|Feb 20
A start to improving end of life care would be to strengthen the existing care workforceReaders' Letters|Feb 19
It’s extraordinary that so many politicians have concluded that GST is the only way forwardReaders' Letters|Feb 18
Blind trans woman doing London Marathon to be ‘example I didn’t have growing up’Viral News|5 hours ago